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Voters made it 100% Clear in 2020 they didn't like or want Kamala Harris when she dropped out only getting 4% of the votes. Now they are Installing her with ZERO votes by the voters. If you don't have a problem with Democrats ( DEMOCRACY ) here. Well you clearly don't know that ( DEMOCRACY ) was taken completely out of this by the Democrats.

This is MAD CRAZY. This has no place in this at all. What the hell is the world doing Excepting this every where.




The opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, France, turned heads while prompting backlash from some faith-based viewers.

If you want the super Leftwing Liberal Squad senators running the country. Vote for Kamala Harris and that's who will be running the country into the ground and fast. Even the Leftwing site Wikipedia is washing their site of all the shit about Kamala. Wikipedia has worked super fast in deleting all the facts about her and Mayor Brown and how she slept her way into politics.

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President Donald Trump was shot at 6:11 at his rally. Now look at what Ephesians 6:11 says.
Ephesians 6:11
Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes

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NORAD intercepts Russian and Chinese bombers operating together near Alaska in first such flighthttps://www.yahoo.com/news/nor....ad-intercepts-russia


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